Red Door's charity partners!

This week we wanted to let you know about the fantastic charitable organisations that Red Door Recruitment support. At a time like this, charities and not for profit organisations find it even tougher to drum up donations and ensure that they are able to support the many that are in great need of their services!

The Foodbank is based in St Albans and they have are currently supporting 4 times more families than usual during the Covid crisis.

We have recently signed up to support this great charity and they are in need of more corporate partners so please reach out and help if you can! 

Your local foodbank needs your support

“The foodbank was there when we really needed it, it was an absolute lifeline.”

The St Albans & District Foodbank is a part of an established network of Foodbanks across the UK. It provides emergency food and basic essentials to people facing financial crisis – people who live in your community.  The current lockdown is pushing more people into poverty, to the point where they cannot always afford to feed themselves and their families. With this is mind we are asking you and your staff to consider what support you could provide. Maybe contributing tinned, packet or jars of foods, or by donating money which will help us ensure we have the stocks needed to meet local demand!

Alternatively, perhaps your business has skills or facilities that could help us ensure we can reach all those who need the Foodbank and you could become a corporate partner. Maybe this resonates with your personal or company values, or you see this as a team building opportunity or you have a Corporate Social Responsibility programme and your support would be part of that initiative.  Whatever your motivation, please contact us about supporting your local Foodbank in order to help your local community. Together we can make a real difference! To find out more please visit: or email

Rennie Grove

We are also proud Patrons of Rennie Grove. They provide palliative and end-of-life care based around patients and their families both day and night. All of their services are provided at no cost to the patient and they rely entirely on support to fund 87% of their £7.2 million annual running costs.

Rennie Grove is a fantastic cause and they are always looking for Corporate Patrons, please take a moment to look over their site to get an idea of the wonderful work they do.

Become a Corporate Patron…

Now more than ever Rennie Grove needs a source of regular donations to fund vital care for patients. Please consider joining the Corporate Patron Programme. You will enjoy the following benefits in return for your support: 

  • Social (including virtual) events with like-minded companies, giving you the potential to improve your outreach and boost your business

  • Team building through volunteering opportunities and fundraising challenges 

  • Positive publicity through your association with a respected regional charity

  • Promotional opportunities through newsletters, advertising and PR

  • Meet your corporate social responsibility goals  

With 4 different levels ranging from support of £50 to £500 per month - please click here for more information. Please support us if you can with our £100,000 appeal, by sharing this link with colleagues, family and friends you can spread the word and help us carry on caring for local adults, children and their families:
£215 could fund a shift for a specialist hospice at home nurse
£28.50 could fund an hour of specialist nursing care in a patient’s home
£9.50 could fund 20 minutes of specialist care

Have a great week all!


What NOT to do in an interview!


Candidate newsletter | Competency-based interviews | 05/05/2020