What NOT to do in an interview!


Some of the points below are comical but still happen, others are down to nerves - thinking about the interview in detail beforehand will make you better prepared and this should at least calm some of these nerves.

The most common reason for not getting a job is because another applicant was better suited. It can sometimes be a fine line between yourself and them, so making one small error could throw all that effort out of the window. Remember your personality is one of the first things that will be picked up on and first impressions count!

Being ill-prepared

  • This one is obvious but don’t arrive late – make sure you leave in plenty of time, which means factoring in traffic and parking. If you are running late, call us so we can let them know. On the flip side if you arrive early, never go in more than 15 minutes early.

  • Questions are important - don’t not ask questions - a candidate who shows up ill-prepared without questions sends the message they are not very interested or have not put much effort into preparation for the interview.

Bad manners and communication

  • Be comfortable but don’t slouch or fidget.

  • It's great if you’re not nervous but make sure you don't come across as over confident or give the impression that you've already got the job.

  • On the other hand, don't combat nerves by looking at the walls or waffling – If you're have trouble making eye contact, try looking between the interviewers eyebrows, this will look like your engaging without actually making eye contact

  • Ensure you don’t take over the interview, look disinterested or reply to a question without fully understanding it.

  • Some people feel naked without their mobile phone but for an interview it's not appropriate - don't walk in with your phone in your hand and definitely don’t leave it on! You don’t want to be interrupted by a text message or fill the room with an aggressive vibrating noise!

Dress code

  • If you're a smoker make sure you don't smell of smoke - keep in mind, to a non-smoker (or even a smoker) mints/perfume/aftershave don't hide the smell!

  • One size may not fit all! Cater your dress to suit the individual company, this can mean either dressing up or down. Make sure you check with the recruiter if it's not disclosed before your interview.

  • Don’t forget the finer details! No chipped nail polish, bed hair, scruffy shoes, extra strong perfume or aftershave. Depending on the company, it would be a good idea to think twice about too much make-up/false eyelashes etc.

Being negative

  • I'm sure you all know not to bad mouth your employer or past colleagues. Even if you’re an innocent party it’s a good idea to stay away from all negative things!

  • Sometimes this is unavoidable and that's fine however don't carelessly change your interview date unless absolutely essential - it may annoy the potential employer and disrupt their tight work/interview schedule.

Leave it to us

  • This is what we're here for, you don't need to ask about the salary, benefits or what time they finish work.

  • It's best not to show a desire to do a job not within the job description - you may know you're not actually going to pursue what you're talking about but the client may take it as, you're not going to stay or you're not serious.

  • Avoid mentioning other job interviews you are going for that are more appealing - let us know what other interviews you have and how they compare.


We hope this helped, have a great week!


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