Red Door's top 10 tips for Zoom interviews

This week we have focused on the importance of video interview etiquette as we accept that virtual recruitment is the way forward! Zoom is a popular option, here are some tips on how to give the best possible interview when using it… 

1. Get familiar with the technology

Download the app ahead of time (it’s available for mobile as well as desktop on the Zoom website) and make sure you have your meeting link and password from the employer –they should set everything up and provide this info. Test your own technology – microphone, camera, etc – to make sure everything is working so you can avoid any last-minute issues that will cause stress and possibly delay your interview.

2. Set up a distraction-free area

It’s important to find a room or area of your home that’s best for your Zoom interview. Pick a spot that’s quiet and distraction-free. Eliminate visual distractions like items on the floor, items on the wall behind you, etc. You want the interviewer to be able to focus on your answers and what you’re saying, and distractions in the room will affect their ability to do this. It’s a good idea to shut your windows in the room, too, to eliminate unnecessary noise like lawnmowers, cars, etc.

3. Double check the date and time

The last thing you want to do is miss your interview because of a mix-up. So check the email from the employer and be sure that you’ve put the meeting on your calendar at the right time, on the right day. This is a simple step but will avoid a lot of potential embarrassment and hassle. We recommend entering your Zoom meeting or interview 2-3 minutes before the scheduled time, the host will be ready to let you in!

4. Choose your interview outfit

You should dress professionally – the same way that you would for an in-person interview. This will vary depending on your industry and position, but most likely means that you should dress smartly and wear business attire – men should wear a suit and tie and women should wear formal business attire, too.

5. Prepare, prepare, prepare!

Don’t get so side tracked by setting up the technology that you forget to prepare for the interview itself – think about what questions you might be asked, the agency or employer should be able to tell you in advance what kind of interview it will be. It very important to do your research on the company and interviewer too.

You can record yourself delivering your answers in the environment that you’ve set up. Look at the video recording, see how you look and sound, and then make adjustments where you need to.

6. Write down questions to ask them

Employers want to hire people who ask good questions in the job interview. This shows them that you’re excited to work for them and that you’re curious about the job and the company.

7. Speak slowly and clearly

Before your interview, practice talking slowly and clearly. Even if you have a great internet connection, the Zoom call might cut out for a fraction of a second here and there, and you’ll be much easier to understand if you’re talking slowly and not rushing through your responses. This will also make you seem more relaxed and confident, which the hiring manager will love!

8. Work on your body language

Avoid tapping your hands or feet, clenching your jaw, or doing anything else that will distract from your answers or make you appear nervous or tense. Eye contact is also important. Practice looking into your webcam as you talk, rather than looking at the video of yourself in the corner of your screen. That will help it feel more like a real conversation and will help the interviewer feel like they’re getting to know you better.

9. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if you need it

It’s okay to ask for clarification on something or ask the interviewer to repeat a question once or twice in your interview. This is true in any job interview and especially a video interview. If you didn’t hear a question clearly, ask them to repeat it. If you’re unsure what exactly they’re asking, ask them to clarify. You don’t want to do this 10 times in an interview, but it’s fine to do it a couple of times, and it’s a lot better than answering before you’re sure what they’re asking.

10. Remember to say thank you!

It is a good idea to thank the potential employer at the end of the interview and express your interest. Although not a good idea to ask for instant feedback – leave that to the recruitment agency or wait to be contacted by the company in due course.


Good luck!


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