Hybrid working: the pro’s and con’s

In the pandemic we adjusted to wfh, and this has changed the way we work forever!

Currently hybrid working is running at 38% and is set to rise again next year. The last 3 years have reshaped our priorities drawing a line between what is important and what’s not. Our recent poll “What drives people to look for a new job” exactly reflected this trend.

The number one reason was work/life balance. However, many business leaders are saying their company is planning a return to the office full time next year, but many employees prefer the flex of hybrid work.

How can everyone make this work? It’s great in some industries but not always suitable for others.

I’ve outlined the basic pros and cons; it would be great to hear your views.



  • No commute

  • Fewer interruptions

  • Flex in when/where to work

  • Good work life balance

  • Lower office costs


  • Loss of connection between teams and the company

  • Can be isolating and distracting

  • New employees find it difficult to integrate

  • Less learning and knowledge-sharing between colleagues

  • Employees can end up working longer hours without recognition


We are currently recruiting for lots of hybrid positions, for lots of different levels and across many industries. Click here to check them out!


Louise’s Hertfordshire Life feature


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